
Friday, November 29, 2013

A Little About Me and My Craziness Part 3

In my last post I discussed all about going to the Dr and getting no where.  I found out my bills would be paid which was amazing!

Now I will start back with the worst boss I have ever had this man was a troll.  He knew exactly why I was hired I was hired to be an Asst Manager yet he would tell everyone I was an employee.  He would say things such as "She is no one and knows nothing don;t listen to her!"  But when I was around he would agree with me about everything and go along with me when i would take control.  This man actually told his employees they could smoke pot at work just not to get caught.  Actually went as far as to give suggestions as to where to smoke it.  He was not helpful while I was going through all of this.  And I even went further and above his head to our boss and she did nothing.

After going through  all of this for 1 year I decided to quit and move back home to focus on my health.  I was not getting any better with the light headedness and adding high blood pressure to the mix.  Too much stress in Iowa with the nonsense work issues.  I called my parents sucked it up and asked if I could move back home.  My mom told me she would discuss it with  my dad and let me know.  She called me back 20 minutes later and told me I could.  I gave my 2 weeks notice and felt a bit of relief.

When I moved back home I quickly realized this wasn't going to be a short term stay with my parents.  My mother was going down hill and needed some help around the house with daily chores as well as driving and walking.  Soon it went from a few things to her needing help with everything.  So my short term plan has turned into a 4 year journey of taking care of my mother until the end and still not having a clue about my health and still living with my dad.  I am now at a point where I can move out and be myself and do things for me!

This is just a slight over view of me so in the coming posts you may learn a bit more about me........

Thanks for reading!